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The Slice: Last-minute tips for Turkey Day

On the chance that you still have questions about preparing a Thanksgiving dinner, here’s one more batch of tips from local kids.

Connie King solicited advice from both her day care charges and some boys and girls at her church.

Chances are, you already have your turkey. I just hope you don’t shop where 6-year-old Malcolm does.

“A three-pound one will cost 100 dollars maybe,” he said.

OK, let’s talk seasoning.

“Put a little paprika on it so it will have a little more taste,” said Arianna, 9.

“You technically don’t have to put Mexican sauce on it,” said Maria, 9.

Well, no, not technically.

Austin, 14, takes it from there: “Put it in a black pan with blue dots that has a lid on it.”

Another way to go would be to follow the advice of 7-year-old Jayden, who might not be headed toward a career in cookware marketing. “Put it on a regular grayish pan.”

Then, according to 5-year-old Keigan, you stick the bird in the oven at 40 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

“If it’s blue, cook it 40 minutes longer,” he recommended.

Bryson, 6, put it another way: “Look at it. If it’s still human color, you put it back in the oven.”

Of course, that might depend on the shade of human you’re visualizing.

Other serving suggestions?

“Have green pop to drink and pizza for dessert,” said Marcus, 4.

One consultant suggested serving “smashed potatoes.”

Eight-year-old A.J. said, “It’s not the same if my grandfather doesn’t cook the rolls.”

So the rest of us will just have to do the best we can.

Chet, 8, doesn’t think it is necessary to designate a master carver. “People can just cut it themselves.”

David, 11, stressed that you cannot forget about gravy. “Even though I hate it,” he added.

Then there’s just one thing left. “They always pick me to pray,” said a youth whose name I will keep to myself. “It freaks me out sometimes.”

Today’s Slice question: What’s 43rd on your list of things for which you are thankful?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Sometimes the conversation is livelier over at the children’s table.

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