Health Bulletin Board
Moscow Food Co-op Essential Wellness Classes – Forward Head Posture – Its Detrimental Effect on Your Health: Human propensity toward a dowager’s hump has health implications which compromise nervous tissue and contribute to various disease processes including: allergies, ADHD, IBS, MS, Parkinson’s, low back issues, fertility issues, and more. Learn what is being done to contribute to your ailments and what to do to get your life back. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Paraspinal Musculature – Getting Over the Hump: As powerful back muscles responsible for posture grab hold of the 14-pound head at the top of the spinal column, they become very strong. Learn how to re-educate your muscles to loosen their grasp and contract. Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m. Low Back Pain – Strengthening and Re-Educating Your Core: Learn and practice core work with emphasis on prevention and alleviation of back issues. Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m. How to (Not) Herniate a Disc While Working Out: Learn and understand what to do to keep from injuring or re-injuring yourself in the gym. Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m. Hip Displacement: Learn how you can work with your eight main weight-bearing joints to create stability and strength for your entire skeleton while re-educating your muscular structure to keep you and your hips pain-free in a position of structural integrity. Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m. Classes are held at the Hamilton Indoor Recreation Center, 1724 E. F St., Moscow, Idaho. Cost for each class is $17. Scholarships are available by e-mailing Call (208) 883-7085 to register and for more information.
Live Well Workshop – Dr. Randall Wilkinson leads this workshop that looks at the way we eat and how that has led to the weight challenges many of us have. He will discuss the distinct advantages of a low-carbohydrate, protein-sparing approach to lose weight briskly. RSVP is encouraged. Cost is free. Held Wednesday, 6 p.m., at 707 W. Seventh Ave., Marycliff Hall, Second Floor Meeting Room. Call (509) 464-6191, e-mail or visit to register and for more information.
Driving and Dementia – The Alzheimer’s Association Inland Northwest Chapter presents a free class that will discuss when and how to take away the car keys and strategies for coping with the many issues that driving presents to caregivers and families. Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at Deaconess Health and Education Center, Classroom 265, 910 W. Fifth Ave. Call (509) 473-3390 or visit to register and for more information.
“The Work” – Grace Bell is presenting a lecture and workshop on Byron Katie’s “The Work.” Friday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at Unity Church, 2900 S. Bernard St. Cost is $99. Call (509) 838-6518 or (509) 466-0377 to register and for more information.
Structural Integration: Therapy for Dystonia – The Rolf Method of Structural Integration is a therapy that has proved beneficial. This therapy calms the autonomic nervous system by massaging the fascia, the envelope that surrounds the muscles, tendons and joints. Kevin Lucas, L.M.P., B.C.S.I., will explain how and why it works, while giving us insight into how dystonia affects our bodies. Cost is free. Saturday, 2-3:15 p.m. RSVP is encouraged by calling (509) 891-0790 or e-mailing
Fall Ayurvedic Cleanse – Workshop to guide you through a self-administered eight-day nonresidential rejuvenation cleanse, while also sharing with you the fundamentals of Ayurveda, India’s ancient science of holistic medicine. Meets Sunday, 3-6 p.m.; Oct. 14, 5:30-7 p.m.; Oct. 16, 4-5 p.m.; and Oct. 17, 4-5 p.m. Classes are held at a private home. Cost is $108 for entire session of classes, individual consultation and informational materials. Preregistration is required. For more information and to register, visit, e-mail or call (509) 270-7353.
Liberty Lake’s Weight Loss Challenge - Twelve-week nonprofit course that offers tips on nutrition and exercise, along with the flair of competition. Cost is $35 for 12-week program, $25 of each fee collected will be paid out in cash and prizes to the top three winners. Participants can use any weight-loss program they’d like. All participants weigh in each week. Challenge begins Monday, 5:45 p.m. Classes are held at In a Flash Photography Studio, 21718 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake. Call (888) 420-9406 for more information and to register.
Pre-Diabetes – Two-part class for those who are at risk for or have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or those who know someone who has. All participants receive a free testing meter. Cost is $30 per person. Oct. 12 and 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at CHER Diabetes Education Center, 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 245. Visit to register and for more information.
Hypnotherapy Weight Release Workshop – Six-week workshop utilizes hypnotherapy to lose weight effortlessly with long-term results. Hypnotherapy addresses the underlying issues that play important roles in maintaining weight loss. Held Wednesdays, Oct. 13-Nov. 27, 6-8 p.m., at the Corbin Senior Center, Upper North Room, 827 W. Cleveland Ave. Open to any interested adults. Cost is $158 and includes CDs. Call (509) 688-7701 or (509) 270-3161 to register and for more information.
Healthy Woman Mammogram Party – As part of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, women are encouraged to bring their girlfriends and make their yearly exam or first-time mammogram a fun event. A physician speaker will be on hand to tell women more about breast cancer. Held Oct. 14, 5-7 p.m., at the Rockwood Clinic Breast Health Center, 12410 E. Sinto Ave., Suite 105, Spokane Valley. Call the Deaconess Healthy Program at (509) 473-2650 to register. For questions about insurance coverage for the mammogram, call the Rockwood Clinic Breast Health Center at (509) 755-5801.