EV board approves reorganization plan

The East Valley School Board agreed on a format for the district’s reorganization plan earlier this week.
The board plans to change the way students in elementary and middle school attend classes and which grades are included in each building.
After months of conversation with each other, staff and the community, the board decided that it will now have schools to serve students in pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade or a system of schools to serve students in pre-kindergarten through the third grade and schools with students in fourth grade through the eighth grade.
The district’s current buildings would be configured in the following ways:
• East Valley Middle School, district offices, maintenance department, Continuous Curriculum School.
• Trentwood Elementary, pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade.
• Skyview Elementary, fourth through the eighth grade.
• Trent, pre-kindergarten through third grade.
• Mountain View Middle School, fourth through eighth grade;
• East Farms Elementary, pre-kindergarten through third grade.
• Otis Orchards Elementary, pre-kindergarten through eighth grade.
Superintendent John Glenewinkel said the district will now start discussions to fine-tune several elements of the new proposal.
The district needs to decide the most efficient way to use its existing facilities, the most cost-efficient way to accomplish this change in regards to a bond or a levy, where and how to include a middle school learning center, if or even when to build a student learning and convention center, and what programs will look like and how the change will benefit student learning.
He said the district will be conducting staff meetings in every building and it will also produce a DVD to explain the process and answer some of the questions that have been asked frequently during this process.
“The framework is there,” he said of this process. “It doesn’t mean that anything is set in stone.”
Realistically speaking, Glenewinkel said, it is unlikely the district will be ready to float a bond or a levy to voters before next spring.
He said there will be many more community meetings coming soon.
International Walk to School Day
More than 200 Chester Elementary School students in the Central Valley School District participated in International Walk to School Day Wednesday morning before school.
The 13th annual event took place globally to encourage students and parents to enjoy the benefits of walking: fresh air, exercise a healthy lifestyle and enjoying a walk with family and friends.
Not only did the students enjoy the walk, but so did about 13 staff members, more than 30 parent volunteers and Principal Cindy Sothen.
The school’s parent-teacher association has sponsored this event for the last five years. At the end of the walk, they provided walkers with a healthy snack and juice.
“The kids really enjoy being a part of a national event,” said PTA Walk to School Day committee chair Alisha Bailey. “They like carrying the signs and walking together. There is a lot of camaraderie among the kids.”
Barry Greene, parent of a student at Chester and an employee of Spokane County Engineers, brought the signs for students to carry and items to reward their participation including back sacks, reflectors, and wristbands as part of the county’s Pedestrian Awareness campaign.
AP Scholar Awards
Beth Anderson, Sarah Kenney, Kari Mitchell, Devan Silva and Annika Swanson of West Valley High School have received the CollegeBoard 2010 AP Scholar Award. The award is given to students who receive a score of three or higher on three or more AP exams.
Student Patrick Stickney earned the AP Scholar with Honor Award. Students earn this award for receiving an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken and scores of three or higher on five or more of these exams.