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A vote for job-site safety

Angry voters should turn their anti-incumbent rage on our congresswoman and elect Daryl Romeyn to Congress. McMorris Rodgers’ recent e-mail about Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements is a stark example of her preference for corporations over workers. She’s concerned about reduced profits if she doesn’t prevent OSHA from increasing penalties. Never mind that injured and maimed workers become dependent on the taxpayer for lifetime support.

Cathy doesn’t want to increase fines on companies that kill workers because it will reduce profits. She doesn’t consider that recent oil and mining worker fatalities were caused by non-enforcement of safety regulations. Her e-mail points to a “blood for money” mentality in her political values. Her devotion to corporate interests requires workers during a poor economy to accept lower pay or unsafe working conditions to keep their job. Where is the moral basis for forcing workers to risk serious injury or death to feed their family?

Liberty for many employees means returning home from work safe. Cathy’s view is that nothing is more important than profits. Don’t vote for McMorris Rodgers unless you own the company. If you work for the company and believe in a safe workplace, vote for Daryl Romeyn.

Pete Scobby


If you are tired of inaction in Congress, vote for Daryl Romeyn for U.S. House of Representatives from Eastern Washington. He will work with both sides of the aisle to talk through differences to find a solution for problems.

Daryl will also stay in contact with the citizens of Eastern Washington and pay attention to concerns they contact him about. He will not reply with a form letter previously prepared to cover similar problems, but will explain his actions. The current representative is simply a rubber stamp for her party’s agenda.

Please vote for Daryl Romeyn for Congress so we can have an effective voice for Eastern Washington.

Patricia Orlich


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