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Pick the real conservative
It was discouraging to see that the Review editorial board has drunk the “Driscoll tax-wariness potion.” He is a politician that simply “votes dry and drinks wet.”
John Driscoll’s Project Access is admirable but dependent upon government grants to find subsidized health care for low-income people. Increased state spending and taxes fund his game.
As a legislator, his votes with Republicans are simply a sham. He knows it, and so do you. On the other hand, John Ahern is a man of principle who isn’t afraid to vote the convictions you have ridiculed.
With this state being led to a financial disaster and an unsustainable deficit that Driscoll’s party created but won’t fund or adequately address, more Democrats are not the answer. John Ahern’s vision and desire to privatize various state services and departments, put the brakes on state spending and employment and bring the convictions and values he believes in to state government deserve recognition.
On Nov. 2 your editorial board will see that more 6th District voters agree with John Ahern than this newspaper, again!
Ed Walther