Global Neighborhood – Volunteers are needed in the Spokane area to work with refugee individuals and families. Volunteers will interact with refugees, help them practice English, educate them on food, help with bus transit, and introduce them to family, friends and other aspects of the community. Volunteers are required to complete and submit the Global Neighborhood Volunteer application and undergo a cultural orientation training. Volunteers must be at least 19 years old; submit to undergoing a Washington State Patrol background check; be willing to actively seek out resources for refugees; and commit to one year of service with a family or individual, three hours per week. For more information, call Amy Hendricks, volunteer coordinator, at (509) 703-7524 or e-mail amy@global-neighborhood.org or visit www.global-neighborhood.org.
American Red Cross – The American Red Cross, Inland Northwest Chapter, has volunteer opportunities available for its disaster action team. Team members provide 24-hour emergency response to local disasters, ensuring that those affected have basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. Licensed professional volunteers are needed in the mental health field, nursing, and disaster education. Team members are asked to be on call 24 hours a day for at least a one-week period at a time. For more information, call (509) 326-3330 or visit www.spokaneredcross.org.
Anna Ogden Hall Long Term Recovery Shelter – Volunteers opportunities include nursery and kitchen volunteers; various program class teachers; reception work; and help in the medical clinic. Required volunteer introductory classes are offered three times per month. For more information, call (509) 535-8510 or visit www.ugmspokane.org.
Camp Fire USA Inland Northwest Council – Opportunities are available to be a club co-leader in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Contact Marcia Asmussen, program coordinator, at (509) 747-6191.
Catholic Charities – Drivers are needed to deliver “brown bags” to those in need of meals who are unable to obtain food themselves. Volunteers must pass a Washington State Patrol background check, have a valid driver’s license and a vehicle to use for food deliveries and be able lift and carry bags weighing 8 to 10 pounds. For more information, call Judy Marte at (509) 358-4250 or visit www.catholiccharities spokane.org.
Corbin Senior Activity Center – Lunch helpers are needed to set and clear tables, make coffee and serve food on Wednesdays. Volunteers are also needed to pick up food once a month. A food handler’s permit is preferred. For more information, call Christa Richardson at (509) 327-1584 or visit www.corbinseniorcenter.org.
Friend to Friend – Community volunteers are needed to visit one-on-one with residents in Spokane area long-term care and assisted-living facilities. Each adult volunteer visits one resident, a couple of times a month at their convenience for a one-year commitment. Call Jan Kendrick, Volunteer Coordinator, at (509) 483-1600.
Girl Scouts – The Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho is looking for volunteers for leadership development and mentoring of girls. Call Janet Davis, volunteer manager, at (800) 827-9478 or visit www.gsewni.org.
Habitat for Humanity – General construction volunteers, age 16 and older, are needed to build homes. No experience is necessary and on-site training will be provided for people who are interested. For more information, call Andrea Mayhew, volunteer coordinator at (509) 534-2552.
Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Inland Northwest Chapter is looking for volunteers to assist the staff with receptionist duties, data entry, filing and hands-on projects in preparation for special events. Call Kerry Wiltzius, program director, at (509) 482-2022.
Inland Northwest Mentoring Partnership – Inland Northwest Mentoring Partnership is looking for volunteers to open their eyes, minds and hearts to mentoring. Visit www.unitedway.org or www.inlandnwmentoring.org for more information.
Odyssey Youth Center – Volunteers are needed to cook meals for local youth who may not get a hot, wholesome meal at home or anywhere else. Meal preparation would be for 10-20 people in a house-sized kitchen, Wednesdays through Fridays, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call Joel Williamson, volunteer coordinator at (509) 325-3637 or visit www.odysseyyouth.org.
Second Harvest Inland Northwest – Second Harvest is in need of volunteers to help sort and pack produce, food drive or bulk food items in preparation for delivery to the food bank’s emergency food outlets. Volunteers must be 14 years of age and older and be able to stand for two hours. For more information call Julie at (509) 252-6242 or visit www.2-harvest.org.