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A life of service

Jim Kolva’s venomous attack on Michael Baumgartner (“Tactics sully campaign,” Letters, Oct. 16) is at best absurd and at worst slanderous. Jim Kolva, obviously, doesn’t know Michael Baumgartner.

Does Hillary Clinton work for Blackwater? Did Madeleine Albright or Colin Powell serve as “dirty tricks” contractors for Blackwater? Of course not! These diplomats worked for the U.S. State Department. Michael Baumgartner has also served in the U.S. State Department, sacrificing three years to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. Like Hillary, Madeleine and Colin, Michael worked with the U.S. State Department.

Michael Baumgartner is an honorable man who has lived his adult life in service to others. Raised by public education teachers, Michael volunteered his college summers for the U.S. Forest Service. After graduating from Washington State University, he worked with the Jesuits at a mission in Africa. His service to our country in Iraq and Afghanistan earned him commendations from Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker.

Scholar, servant, humanitarian, patriot and leader are five qualities that aptly describe Michael Baumgartner. These characteristics help make Michael Baumgartner the ideal candidate for the 6th District Senate seat. Michael will bring common sense, fiscal sanity and jobs back to Spokane. Vote Michael Baumgartner!

David Parks


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