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Compass points to low road

It is disturbing that Michael Baumgartner shows a complete lack of a moral compass. Two disturbing examples:

At the debate at Ferris High School on Oct. 13, he referred to his parents as state employees, who, he said, along with other state employees, should have their pay frozen. Way to stick it to your hardworking parents, Mike, who are responsible, in large part, for your success in life. So much for “honoring your parents”!

Then, as reported in the Oct. 17 Northwest section, Mike refuses to demand that a group funded by the Republican Party, who, of course, handpicked Mr. Baumgartner to run, pull their patently and disgustingly misleading ad attacking Chris Marr on totally specious grounds. Way to man up, Mike. Why not show a shred of morality and disown these lying liars?

Karl Boettner


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