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Political reins dropped

With campaign ads and tea parties everywhere, I can’t help but wonder what people are thinking.

Our economy is flaming out because America invested in casino-style capitalism and exported jobs overseas. Unnecessary wars and tax cuts for the rich empty the treasury. The government is unresponsive because most of its leaders are funded by large corporations and the wealthy.

On Tuesday Republicans might retake Congress. Democrats wonder why, but after they reclaimed Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008, what really changed? We have no more freedom, financial security or control over America’s destiny than under Bush.

The fact that the GOP is riding a wave of devastation that Obama inherited from Bush points out the folly of modern politics. Thanks to our short memories, collective state of denial and for-profit journalism, this folly repeats every election.

Right-wing populism and recycling the ’60s won’t save us. Original ideas and creative thinking will. Politicians and political parties lead us astray and turn neighbor against neighbor. It’s time to create new structures – democratic and free of moneyed influence – or the downward trend will continue.

Mike Kress


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