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Quality of life at stake

If you care at all about our city you will not vote for Al French. A vote for Al French is a vote against Spokane’s high quality of life at a relatively low cost.

Just look at who supports Al. It’s developers, big developers. His big signs hang in the windows of downtown buildings representing the special interests of a few who would like nothing more than to gut our shorelines, eliminate building codes and skirt regulations that have created the “near nature, near perfect” community we call home.

Al French will not support your neighborhood. There will be no more bike lanes, or neighborhood revitalization plans, just unbridled building, more racetrack debacles and unnecessary and very expensive jails. Is this what you want for our community?

If recent PDC filings are correct Mr. French has received donations from only a small number of donors, 200, compared to the over 1,200 contributors supporting his opponent, incumbent Bonnie Mager.

I have observed Bonnie Mager’s thoughtful deliberation and fair governance as a county commissioner, and she is often the lone voice for small business and neighborhoods. Return a person of integrity to represent Spokane County and vote for Bonnie Mager.

Lucy Lennox


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