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Retain tax for those in need

Our state faces a continued budget crisis. Funding for services ranging from programs for our developmentally disabled citizens, state crime labs, state parks to higher education have been reduced.

During the last state session a temporary tax was enacted. This tax is designed to decrease the reductions affecting vital state services. This temporary tax was not imposed upon essential items. Pop and candy are typical examples of what this tax covers.

Initiative 1107, if approved, will end this temporary tax. State revenues will be further decreased. Probable future reductions to vital state services will be more severe than necessary.

Please consider college students struggling to pay increased tuitions. Please consider our mentally ill citizens who desperately need our help. Numerous other examples can be cited.

Does our society have a sense of shared sacrifice? Do we really care about those in need? Do we really care about our young people and their futures? Please say yes, we do care. Please vote no on Initiative 1107.

Duwane Huffaker


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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