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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

The Slice: Prescription for good health: less ignoring, more listening

We’re always hearing about how doctors don’t listen to their patients.

As a society, we apparently want physicians to be more Oprah-like.

But something tells me patients not listening to their doctors might be a bigger problem.

Slice quiz: I’ll send a coveted reporter’s notebook to at least one reader who can name the movie in which a character played by Bing Crosby says, “Watch your language.”

Try to answer without resorting to Google.

Today’s Slice question: Why do you like/dislike football?

A) Cool helmet graphics. B) Robust physicality. C) The whole “student athlete” farce. D) Not one person at a tailgate party anywhere in America shares my values.

E) I have a theory about why there aren’t more black quarterbacks and it doesn’t flatter the people who call the shots in this sport. F) Nagging suspicion that none of the gasbags on ESPN could name one Supreme Court justice. G) I enjoy rooting against my boss’ alma mater. H) Big-time college football boosters tend to be vile.

I) The capriciousness of holding penalties. J) If Montana is always going to win the Big Sky, what’s the point? K) Don’t enjoy watching injuries to the knee and brain. L) All those erectile dysfunction commercials creep me out.

M) If there are a lot of incomplete passes, the games take a geologic period of time to finish. N) I like the Pine Bowl. O) Have you noticed that people in the marching band aren’t always getting arrested? P) Each new play holds the potential for something amazing.

Q) The bigger the stadium, the more ridiculous it is to have cheerleaders. R) I prefer sports where normal-sized people can excel. S) Fond autumnal memories from childhood. T) Have you ever actually spent any time around one of those face-painted “DEE-FENSE! DEE-FENSE!” people?

U) I like seeing slow-mo of a tight spiral coming right at you. V) Not too many women spend much time talking about red-zone efficiency and blitz packages. W) Clock sports suck. X) Still remember the thrill of watching Jim Brown.

Y) For the same reasons football hasn’t caught on in the rest of the world. Z) Other.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Some garage band ought to name itself after KREM’s Marissa Bagg.

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