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The Slice: A sign the real estate market really does stink

Don’t let it be said that life is not without new experiences.

The other day, I pulled one of those house-for-sale fliers from a box on a pole in a front yard. It’s fun to keep track of new euphemisms for “cramped,” “dated” and “needs a lot of work.”

Without looking at it, I folded it, shoved it in a pants pocket and climbed back on my bike. Then I rode away from that cozy little charmer exuding rustic appeal.

It wasn’t until after I got home that I realized the flier stunk.

No, not that noxious baby-doll stench some of those things have. This flier reeked of skunk. Clearly one of the waddling rodents had sprayed up a storm right next to that “For Sale” sign.

As if it isn’t tough enough already for real estate agents right now.

Annoying habits of Spokane drivers: “Cutting through parking lots to avoid waiting for the light to turn so they can make a right,” said Vince Roland. “Even worse, cutting across lanes and a parking lot so they can go left.”

“People in the right lane who slide halfway into the left lane before executing a right turn and vice versa,” said Joe Booth.

“Young men with loud speakers that make one’s car vibrate,” said Jack Thompson.

Slice answers, et cetera: Lots of readers still have things they created in shop class or home ec.

“In 1957, I made a copper sheet in metal shop that said ‘Richard/Darlene,’ with a heart hammered into it,” wrote Dick Dodd. “We’ve since changed our names to Dick and Dody, and the copper is all tarnished. However, our marriage of 51 years is still going strong.”

Predictably, University of Idaho graduates who are not fans of Sarah Palin wish some other Vandal had achieved her level of fame.

Bill Mahaney did the best impression of Bob Newhart.

And Saturday quiz contestants who correctly identified that Bing Crosby line as coming from “Going My Way” admitted that they looked it up online. So, no notebooks. But here’s a Slice salute to my honest readers.

Today’s Slice question: Where is the western border of Eastern Washington?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Your message could be right here.

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