Annie’s Mailbox: Hubby sends money to inmate
Dear Annie: I’ve been married for five years. We’ve been very happy until recently.
Last year, my husband spent three days in jail due to a misunderstanding that got out of control. While there, he befriended a fellow inmate, and they exchanged contact information. The inmate has four more years to serve. The problem is, my husband keeps sending him money and care packages. So far, he has spent almost $1,600 on this guy.
One day, he called and I answered the phone. I told him it was quite nervy of him to order the most expensive items available. He said that he and my husband had an understanding. When I questioned my husband, he claimed he was only helping a “true” friend. I expressed my disapproval rather emphatically, and he replied that he works hard for his money and will spend it as he likes.
I blocked all calls from the prison, but this guy got hold of a cell phone and informed my husband, who became upset with me. He removed the block and said, “How dare you undermine me?” This is causing us to fight a lot. I love my husband, but it’s ridiculous for him to think I would be OK with this. What should I do? – Headed for the Poorhouse in San Pedro
Dear San Pedro: It’s possible this inmate protected your husband during his short stint in jail and now Hubby feels indebted. This does not mean the inmate isn’t being manipulative and taking advantage. You can contact the warden at the correctional facility, although you risk angering your husband. We recommend you start putting aside money that your husband can’t get to and make arrangements to protect yourself when this inmate is released. He could be a danger to you.