Week Ahead
Green Business Networking Luncheon Series – Sustainable Local Investment Partners will host this event on the creation of a Business Network for Local Living Economies in Spokane. 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m. in the Cutter Dining Room of the Spokane Club, 1002 W. Riverside Ave. Cost is $15. Tickets available in advance by calling (509) 209-2861, at the door or online at www.brownpapertickets.com/ event/123962.
Palouse Business Networks – The Palouse Knowledge Corridor will present this networking and promotional event for local tech businesses and supporting agencies. Speakers will include Jay Larsen, founder and CEO/president of the Idaho Technology Council, and John Gardner, vice president of the Washington State University economic development and global engagement department. 2-5:30 p.m. at the University Inn Best Western in Moscow. RSVP: (208) 883-7123 or visit www.palouseknowledge corridor.com.
“Profiting from Green Business Practices” – SNAP Financial Access will present this workshop that will provide businesses information on how to go green, tips to increase market share and networking opportunities with other like-minded business owners. There will also be one-on-one appointments with SNAP Financial Access, Avista Energy, Sustainable Local Investment Partners (SLIP) and the Department of Ecology. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be provided. 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Community Building Lobby, 35 W Main Ave. Cost is $15. Register online at www.snapwa.org/sustainable_workshop or call (509) 209-4244 for more information.
Financial Recordkeeping – SCORE, Counselors to America’s Small Business, is presenting this workshop that will discuss how to keep good business records and how to understand and use financial statements as business management tools from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at 801 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 444. The cost is $35 in advance or $40 at the door. Call (509) 353-2821 to register.
LaunchPad Inland Northwest Quarterly Networking Event – Meet with other business owners and professionals from throughout the Northwest while enjoying a complimentary wine tasting hosted by John Allen, owner of Vino! A Wine Shop; appetizers and a no-host bar provided by the Glover Mansion; and a rehearsal by the Spokane Symphony. 4-9 p.m. at The Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. Cost is $15 in advance and $25 at the door. Information: (509) 953-3305 or visit www.launchpadinw.com.
Board of Directors Training – The Cutter Theatre in partnership with the WSU Pend Oreille County Extension office and the Pend Oreille River Arts Alliance will host this event for board members or potential board members of any existing or new community organization. Trainer will be Sandy Gill of Northwest Nonprofit Resources in Spokane. 5:30 p.m. at The Cutter Theatre, 302 Park St., Metaline Falls, Wash. The cost is $10 and includes a light supper. Preregistration is requested. Call (509) 447-2401.
Spokane Clean Energy Industry Event – A public forum on the future development of the Washington clean energy industry with Mayor Mary Verner and Washington Clean Energy Leadership Council members. 9:30 a.m.-noon at the Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Free. Coffee and refreshments will be provided. Visit www.washingtoncelc.org for more information.
Fall Festival of Homes Tour – Sixth annual event presented by Pro-Build. Featuring 41 homes. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., today through Sept. 26 and Oct. 1-3. Visit www.SpokaneFestival OfHomes.com for more information.
59th Annual Spokane Interstate Fair and National Stock Show – Today, Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, 230,000 attendees.
Jensen Distribution Services Fall Merchandising Show – Today, Spokane Convention Center, 1,000 attendees.
Women of Faith “Over the Top” Annual Gathering – Today, Spokane Arena, 12,000 attendees.
Washington State Department of Transportation Public Transportation Conference – Today through Wednesday, Red Lion Hotel at the Park, 400 attendees.
National Carousel Association NCA Annual Convention – Monday through Sept. 26, Ramada Spokane Airport and Indoor Waterpark, 110 attendees.
American Christian Writers Conference – Monday through Wednesday, Mirabeau Park Hotel and Convention Center, 60 attendees.
Washington State Society for Healthcare Engineering Regional Conference and Technical Exhibition – Tuesday through Thursday, Spokane Convention Center, 450 attendees.
URM Food Service General Merchandising – Wednesday, Spokane Convention Center, 1,100 attendees.
Bureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Region Topic Seminar – Wednesday through Friday, Wingate by Windham, 15 attendees.
Inland Empire Philatelic Society Apple Harvest – Saturday through Sept. 26, Hilton Garden Inn Spokane Airport, 300 attendees.
Bridal Festival – Saturday, Spokane Convention Center, 1,500 attendees.