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The Slice: ‘Go Cougs’ turns loss into victory

At a recent family reunion, Karen Burgard’s son, Mark (WSU ’09), was hiking in some California mountains when he got separated from his dad, Dan (WSU ’83).

So Mark hollered as loud as he could, “Go!”

He then heard his dad reply from not far away, “Cougs!”

Describing your dietary regimen: “At our house, we don’t enjoy fish or seafood,” said Ronda Gimlen. “So a couple of years ago my daughter dubbed us landatarians.”

Mike Turnbull said he is an “Amber Ale-ian.”

Then there was this from Laurie Anderson. “I’m addicted to Tabasco sauce, so I consider myself a tabascan.”

Life in North Idaho: The other day Carol Nelson’s husband got a call from a friend. While driving, that friend had hit a moose and his vehicle was damaged. He needed a ride.

Then, while Nelson’s husband was driving them home, they collided with another moose. They had to call Carol and have her pick them up.

Readers said one in 10 residents of this area is working on: a truck, a GED, a quilt, a resume, a crime, getting in that last trip to the lake, or mapping a route across town that avoids road construction.

Just wondering: What do you actually call the Today section?

A) The comics section. B) The weekender. C) The society page. D) Features. E) The TV section. F) Empire Life. G) Other.

Slice answer: Years ago, while interviewing with four women for a job at an insurance firm, Lori Sage was asked if she watched any soap operas and, if so, which one. She said she didn’t.

“I did not get the job,” she wrote. “I will always wonder if it was due to my lack of soap watching experience.”

Warm-up question: Who has lived the longest at one address without asking the folks in the city’s utility billing department to replace “Occupant” with a name?

Today’s Slice question: Are you surprised when encountering college-age people who draw a blank when Bing Crosby comes up?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail It’s not unheard of for your ears to pop when going up or down the South Hill.

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