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The Slice: Pepe Le Pew is alive, well in Canada
Here, kitty kitty.
Rosemary and David Daniel were staying at a B&B up in Nelson, B.C. The owner noted that a Maine Coon cat patrolled the premises. The big feline was friendly, they were assured.
Later, after dark, the Daniels were relaxing in the establishment’s outdoor hot tub when Rosemary heard a trilling sound. Dangling an arm over the side of the tub, she prepared to pet the cat.
At the last second, she looked down and saw that it was actually a skunk.
She decided not to pet it.
Man on a mission: C. J. Jones was gardening in her front yard when a guy drove by. Then he stopped and backed up.
He asked if he could buy a flower, noting that he was on his way to propose to his girlfriend.
Jones gave him a couple. No charge.
Assuming the girlfriend said yes, I’d give it two years.
Name game: While fooling around with The Slice Blog the other day, I was online reading about the 1964 movie, “Kitten With a Whip.”
One website said the juvenile delinquent played by Ann-Margret was named Jody. Another indicated her name was Judy.
So I’m wondering. Do real people named Jody or Judy encounter similar confusion? And do they have whips?
Slice answers: “About 10-12 years ago, I had gone to the lab for a standard blood draw,” wrote Kerry Webb. “The tech who assisted me had intricate tattooed ‘sleeves’ on both arms, plus multiple piercings along both ears and elsewhere. It could have looked scary, but my first thought was, ‘Oh, thank God! This man knows needles!’ I did not hug him, but it was a painless procedure.”
Sometimes, though, hugs do happen in this context.
Debbie Baker has been drawing blood at Rockwood Clinic for more than 20 years. She has been embraced by more than a few patients who had anticipated the procedure with a lot of anxiety. “I even get hugs after the less-than-perfect sticks. I guess they love me anyway.”
And they love that it’s over.
Today’s Slice question (fill in the blank): The Spokane area offers a unique vantage from which you can predict the future of ( ).