Storage lot theft, but fewer calls in Liberty Lake
Perhaps it was the recent hot weather that calmed things down in Liberty Lake. The number of calls dropped the week of July 30 to Aug. 6. There were a couple of false alarms and only three arrests: two for driving with a suspended license and one for fourth-degree domestic violence assault.
Someone cut a chain link fence to enter a fenced storage lot shortly after 11 p.m. on Aug. 2. Two new Polaris utility vehicles were stolen. Police have reviewed video surveillance footage of the incident, said Police Chief Brian Asmus.
A resident in the 1400 block of North Caufield Court reported at 7:15 a.m. Friday that a mailbox had been damaged. Officers were able to determine that a bottle bomb had been placed in the mailbox, Asmus said. Later that day a neighbor reporting seeing someone making bottle bombs, made by mixing water and dry ice in a plastic bottle, in a nearby backyard. Officers located the suspect, who admitted setting off the bottle bomb in the mailbox, Asmus said. The resident agreed not to press charges if the suspect paid for the damage, he said.
Officers escorted an intoxicated man creating a disturbance from Albertsons the afternoon of Aug. 2. The man has been banned from the store.
During the week officers handed out two citations for license and plates required, two for failure to show proof of liability insurance and two for speeding. Additional citations were given for failure to transfer ownership and following too close.