Annie’s Mailbox: Tired of bad hair days, bad stylists
Dear Annie: I am sick and tired of getting bad haircuts. I have found that stylists tend to cut hair the way they want to, not the way you want them to. I try my best to communicate with the stylist, and I even bring in pictures of hairstyles I like. I realize my hair texture is different and it won’t be exactly the same. But I know my hair.
So I would like to tell all of the hairstylists out there to please listen to your customers. If you don’t believe a particular hairstyle will work, then discuss other options. Also, if you don’t feel confident creating a certain style, please be honest and say so. But don’t simply cut someone’s hair the way you want instead of the way the customer wants it. – Tired of Getting Bad Haircuts
Dear Tired: Most women have a regular stylist who becomes familiar with their hair. If you are not happy with your hairdresser, find another. Ask your friends for recommendations, or ask women in the mall and grocery for the names of their stylists. Pictures are good, but also be very specific about what you want, and spend time talking before any cutting begins. Don’t give up.
Dear Annie: The letter from “Sad Student” touched my heart. He said one of his teachers died and there was no mention of his teaching career in the death notice.
When writing my parents’ obituaries, I learned that the longer they are the more expensive it can get. Very possibly, the teacher’s family could not afford a longer death notice.
As you said, a letter to the editor by the student or a letter to the family would be a wonderful tribute and very much appreciated. – NY