Health Bulletin Board
New listings
Open Your Mind - A celebration of mental health awareness. Event features a silent auction, raffle, resource fair, music, speakers, food and beverages. $5. All proceeds will fund the various National Alliance on Mental Illness-Spokane free educational and support programs for those affected by mental illnesses. Sunday, 2 p.m., at The Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. Call (509) 838-5515, email, or visit for more information.
Initial Assessment - Wellness Activities for Patients with Breast Cancer - 30-minute one-on-one discussions with a wellness coach who will provide participants with free or low-cost wellness and complementary therapies. Monday, 10 a.m.-noon, at Wells Fargo Building, Room 2B, 601 W. First Ave. Free. Visit to register and for more information.
Pre-Diabetes Class - Two-part class for those who have or are at risk for pre-diabetes, and their friends and family. Monday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 245, and Oct. 15, 5:30-6:30 p.m., at Lincoln Hospital, 10 Nicholls St., Davenport, Wash. Cost is $30, includes a support partner. Visit to register and for more information.
CPR - Friends and Family - Class covers adult, child and infant CPR and choking. Ideal for community members who want to know CPR but don’t need a certification card. Oct. 9, 6-8 p.m., at St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, Room 200, 711 S. Cowley St. $10. Visit to register and for more information.
Detection and Treatment of Early Lung Cancer - Presentation covers how to identify the early signs of lung cancer. Oct. 9, 6:30-8 p.m., at Providence Sacred Heart Auditorium, 20 W. Ninth Ave. Free and open to the public. Registration required. Visit to register and for more information.
PREvent Class 3: Diabetes and Breast Cancer, Part 2 - For women who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and want to make lifestyle changes to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes which contributes to their risk for breast cancer. Oct. 10, noon-1:30 p.m., at 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 245. Event is funded through Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Free. Visit to register and for more information.
2012 World Sight Day Expo - Lilac Services for the Blind is hosting the first-ever World Sight Day Expo on Oct. 11, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at 1212 N. Howard St. For clients, families, caregivers, and professionals who deal with vision loss. Free. Call (509) 328-9116, email, or visit for more information.
Zumba Classes - The Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center is offering Zumba classes every Monday, 6-7 p.m., at 405 William St., Post Falls. Cost is $7 per class or $28 per month. Call (208) 457-8950, email, or visit for more information.
Maximized Living Makeover – Cancer Killers - Brian Wickstrom discusses how to transform your body into a cancer-killing machine. Oct. 11, 6:15-8:15 p.m., at Maximized Living Health Center, 615 N. Sullivan Road, Suite B, Spokane Valley. Cost is $30 and includes the guidebook “The Cancer Killers.” Call (509) 241-3088, email, or visit for more information.
The Natural Living Show - Consumer show for natural, organic, sustainable and healthy products will make its debut at the Spokane Community College Lair, 1810 N. Greene St., on Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Cost is $7 ($2 off coupon at Call (509) 218-6519, email, or visit for more information.
Healthy Cooking Class - October’s class is “Eating to Prevent Cancer.” Oct. 18, 6:30-8 p.m., at Providence Holy Family Education Center, Room 1, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St. Free. Visit to register and for more information.
Babysitting Basics - Course for youths age 10-15 to prepare them to be successful baby sitters. Topics include: how to care for infants, toddlers and older children; CPR and first aid for infants and children; discipline issues; safety and business basics. Oct. 20, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., at St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, Room 200, 711 S. Cowley St. Cost is $40. Visit to register and for more information.
Women’s Cancer Survivor Retreats - A weekend of rest, reflection, sharing, massage, reflexology, presentation, accommodations, meals and more with others who have been or are on the same journey. Retreats are: Oct. 26-28, Jan. 25-27, March 15-17, and May 17-19. Suggested donation is $195, $15 due at time of registration will be applied to total. Held at St. Joseph’s Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. Call (509) 483-6495, email, or visit womensretreatsforcancersurvivors.html for more information and to register.
Striders - A community walking and exercise program meets Mondays and Wednesdays, September through May, from 8-9 a.m. at the Spokane Valley YMCA, 2421 N. Discovery Place. Led by certified instructors, the classes emphasize strength, stretching, and balance. $15 per year and $2 for each exercise class attended. For more information, call Carol at (509) 926-1697 or Judy at (509) 892-1293.
Maximize Your Fat Loss - Open forum features experts from Pilgrim’s Market who will answer weight-loss questions. Participants learn about what foods to eat or to avoid, what may be holding them back physically, how inflammation could be limiting you, the role of hormone imbalance in weight gain, the psychological component and much more. Today, 6:30 p.m., at Coeur d’Alene Kroc Center, 1765 W. Golf Course Road, Coeur d’Alene. Free. Call (208) 667-1865 or visit or email for more information.
40 Days to Personal Revolution - Participants practice yoga and explore meditation, dietary awareness, journaling and intention setting. Tuesdays, today-Nov. 13, 6-7:15 p.m., at Yarrow Hot Yoga and Wellness Studio, 412 W. Boone Ave. Cost is $350 ($260 for people new to Yarrow) and includes unlimited hot yoga (for the duration of the program) and all necessary materials. Email or visit for more information.
Quit For Good: A Tobacco Cessation Program - Four-week program to help make quitting easier. Free; participants who attend all sessions receive a $25 gift card and a free quit kit. Wednesdays, Oct. 3-24, 6-7 p.m., at Holy Family Health Education Center, Room 4, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St. Visit to register and for more information.
Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training - “The Foundations of Assisting” - Open to all yoga teachers seeking to increase their knowledge, skill and practice of assisting individuals in their classes. Oct. 6-Dec. 9, Saturdays, noon-2:30 p.m., and Sundays, noon-3 p.m., at Yarrow Hot Yoga and Wellness Studio, 412 W. Boone Ave. $750, includes most materials. Email or visit for more information.
Aging is Not For Sissies - Open to women age 55 and older. A day of sharing and –learning together. Participants are encouraged to bring their personal journal if they have one. Suggested donation is $39 per person, includes materials and coffee and tea, participants should bring a sack lunch. Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at 1016 N. Superior St. Call (509) 483-6495 to register and visit or email for more information.
The Providence Mammography Coach - The Coach, a program of Providence Health Care, features state-of-the-art digital imaging equipment and will be at 1441 N. Argonne Road, Spokane Valley, from 8:30 a.m.-11 p.m.; and at 10100 N. Newport Highway from 1-4 p.m. on Oct. 31. Call (509) 474-2400 or (877) 474-2400 to schedule a mammogram.
Washington State University Memory Problem Study Participants Sought - Psychology researchers at Washington State University are seeking people with memory problems and their spouses or other family members to participate in treatment and intervention groups in Eastern Washington. The goal of the project is to help people maintain their independence as long as possible, decrease caregiver burden and increase social support networks for both clients and their families or caregivers. One of the key interventions will be learning to use a memory notebook, but participants will also work on stress reduction techniques, communication skills, problem solving and a range of other topics related to healthy living and the aging process. Call (509) 335-4033, ext. 1, for more information.
Cancer support
Breast Cancer Support - The group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 6-8 p.m. at Holy Family Hospital, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St., in the Radiation Oncology Department Conference Room. Call (509) 474-5490 for information.
Breast Cancer Wellness Group - Support group sponsored by Kootenai Health meets Mondays, noon-1 p.m. at Kootenai Cancer Center, 1440 E. Mullan Ave., Post Falls. For more information, call (208) 619-4138.
Cancer and Community Charities - Meets the second Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Elks Lodge, 1170 W. Prairie Ave., Coeur d’Alene. Lunch is served at noon for $8. For more information call (208) 773-4909 or email
Cancer Support Group - Meets the first, third and fifth Tuesdays of each month, 5:30-7 p.m., Holy Family Hospital, Health Education Center, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St., Room 2. Cost is free. Call (509) 474-5490 for more information.
Look Good… Feel Better - A program offered by the American Cancer Society to help women diagnosed with cancer learn how to apply cosmetics and choose wigs and other head wear. The group meets twice monthly. For locations, time and more information, call Bonnie Abernethy at (509) 455-3440, option 3.