Literary calendar

Free Children’s Activities at BookPeople - October events include: Mondays at 10 a.m. and Thursdays at 11 a.m., Children’s Story Time; Friday at 11 a.m., Yoga Story Time; also Friday at 11 a.m., Crafts and Story Time. BookPeople, 521 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho. Free. (208) 882-2669.
Kootenai County Community Library Network - Monday, 10:30 a.m.-noon, Card Making with Tracy Henry. Free. Registration is not required, but would be appreciated. Hayden Library, 8385 N. Government Way, (208) 772-5612; Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Award-winning storyteller, “Indiana Bones,” aka Mike McCartney, performs at Post Falls Library, 821 N. Spokane St. Free; (208) 773-1506; Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., McCartney will also perform at the Hayden Library. Free.
eReader Training Classes - Participants can bring their own devices or learn to operate the two new Nook Simple Touches or two preloaded mp3 players that can now be requested and checked out from the Colfax library. Monday, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Colfax Library, 102 S. Main St., Colfax. Free. (509) 397-4366.
J.K. Rowling: Live Webcast - Join us for this bookstore-exclusive live webcast of J.K. Rowling’s only U.S. event to promote her latest book, “The Casual Vacancy.” Watch on a big screen TV as Rowling is interviewed by award-winning author Ann Patchett. Submit your own questions for selection by the interviewer to JKRquestions Tuesday, 5 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206.
With a View To History - Tony and Suzanne Bamonte will lead a panel discussion about the history of the Spokane region and each panelist’s efforts to chronicle our past. Both fiction and nonfiction approaches will be featured. Tuesday, 7 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206.
WSU Common Reading - Tackles topic of ‘Who tells whose story, and who decides whether it’s true?’ The discussion will spring from this year’s book used by first-year classes, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.” Tuesday, 7 p.m., Washington State University, Todd 130, Pullman. Free. (509) 335-5448.
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? - Preschool storytime and craft. Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, Children’s Section, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206.
Spokane Valley Library Book Club - Discuss “Wait Till Next Year,” by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Wednesday, 2 p.m., Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave., Spokane Valley. Free. (509) 893-8400.
Author Jo Deurbrouck - Will read from “Anything Worth Doing,” a nonfiction adventure narrative set in Idaho and on the great rivers of the West. Wednesday, 7 p.m., BookPeople, 521 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho. (208) 882-2669.
Author Kelly Milner Halls - Join acclaimed children’s nonfiction writer, Kelly Milner Halls for an afternoon of dinosaur discovery. Thursday, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Colfax Library, 102 S. Main St., Colfax. Free. (877) 733-3375.
Kootenai County Genealogical Society Presentation - Guest speaker is Ellen Larsen on the topic, “Founding Families of Rathdrum.” Thursday, 7 p.m., Hayden Library, 8385 Government Way, Hayden. Free.
Author Kaya McLaren - Author of “Church of the Dog,” she brings a tale set in a Colorado ski town in “How I Came to Sparkle Again.” Thursday, 7 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, mezzanine, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206.
Author Alan Heathcock - Will read from his short story collection, “Volt.” Thursday, 7:30 p.m., BookPeople, 521 S. Main St., Moscow, Idaho. Free. (208) 882-2669.
Author Ric Gendron - Launch and book signing of “Rattlebone,” his hardbound book with 80 full-color illustrations that will accompany his exhibit of work that will open at the Missoula Art Museum in November. Friday, 5-8 p.m., Tinman Gallery, 811 W. Garland Ave. (509) 325-1500.
Author Jane Fritz - Book signing of “Legendary Lake Pend Oreille: Idaho’s Wilderness of Water.” Friday, 6 p.m., Memorial Community Center, 415 Wellington Place, Hope, Idaho. (208) 265-8323.
Llama Llama Storytime - Listen to some of Anna Dewdney’s Llama books. Saturday, 1 p.m., Auntie’s at the Square, 808 W. Main Ave. Free. (509) 456-4775.
Author D. Andrew McChesney - Book signing of “Beyond the Ocean’s Edge: A Stone Island Sea Story.” Saturday, 3 p.m., Hastings Books - South, 2512 E. 29th Ave. (509) 535-4342.
Brain Quest Quiz Challenge - Brain Quest is celebrating its 20th birthday. Come test your smarts, take home giveaways and have a chance to win prizes. Two Brain Quest hosts will pose challenging questions in a quiz show format designed for ages 5-13. Be sure to enter the college online scholarship contest enter-sweepstakes/. Saturday, 3 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, mezzanine, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206.
Author Joan Kopczynski - Book signing of “Spies, Lies and Psychosis.” Saturday, 4-7 p.m., Hastings - Shadle, 1704 W. Wellesley Ave. (509) 924-0667.
Authors Pamela Steele and Bette Lynch Husted - Will read from their latest works and works in progress. Husted is the author of critically acclaimed “Above the Clearwater” (a finalist for the Oregon Book Award in Creative Non-Fiction), “At This Distance,” and “Lessons from the Borderlands.” She has taught in high schools and community colleges in Oregon, Washington and Montana. Steele is the author of “Paper Bird” (Wordcraft of Oregon, 2007), her first full-length collection of poetry, which has been nominated for an Oregon Book Award. Oct. 20, 5 p.m., BookPeople, 521 S. Main St., Moscow. (208) 882-2669.
“A Night of Edgar Allen Poe” - Presented by Lake City Playhouse. Featuring live readings, modern dance interpretations, musical compositions and theatrical performances of work by Poe; includes a live performance of “The Tell-Tale Heart.” Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. $10. (208) 667-1323.