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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Endorsements and editorials are made solely by the ownership of this newspaper. As is the case at most newspapers across the nation, The Spokesman-Review newsroom and its editors are not a part of this endorsement process. (Learn more.)

Editorial: A roundup: Our choices for election – thus far

On Friday, ballots will be mailed for the general election, which ends Nov. 6. Below is a summary of The Spokesman-Review’s endorsements that have been published thus far. The full versions of the endorsements can be read online:


Rob McKenna

Has been around during the difficult budgeting years, and it shows in his pragmatic proposals. Strong advocate for open government. Former Rep. Jay Inslee is rusty on challenges facing the state.

Lieutenant Governor

Bill Finkbeiner

His fresh ideas and approach could improve the quality and efficiency of the legislative process. Incumbent Brad Owen is embroiled in extracurricular controversy.

Secretary of State

Kim Wyman

Plenty of endorsements from county auditors in both parties. They know the job best. Good enough for us.

Insurance Commissioner

Mike Kreidler

More experienced and knowledgeable than his opponent. Already has a head start on health insurance exchanges.


Jim McIntire

He’s done a solid job; doesn’t face credible opposition.

Legislative District 3, Senate

Andy Billig

Hard-working lawmaker with moderate approach. Opponent’s stand on social issues too extreme.

District 3, Position 1, House

Marcus Riccelli

Better informed; good fit for district. Tim Benn is not ready to lead.

District 3, Position 2, House

Timm Ormsby

Experienced and well-positioned to deliver. Opponent’s focus is on guns.

County Commissioner, District 2

Shelley O’Quinn

Her greater business focus is needed. Opponent is not up to speed on county issues or the workings of the position.

Supreme Court, Position 9

Sheryl Gordon McCloud

Better temperament and less apt to pre-judge cases. Opponent’s loose lips sink chances.

Initiative 1185

Yes to supermajorities for tax increases. Keep legislators focused on efficiency.

Initiative 1240

Yes to allow charter schools. Parents want choices.

Initiative 502

Yes to license and regulate small amounts of marijuana and to decriminalize possession.

Referendum 74

Yes to affirm same-sex marriage law. Separate-but-equal standing is unjust.

Resolution 8221

Yes to gradually lowering share of state revenues that can be dedicated to debt service, and to changes in the way it’s calculated.

Endorsements are coming in the following races (in no particular order): President, U.S. Senate, Congress (5th District), state Attorney General, state Auditor, state Lands Commissioner, Legislative District 4 (Position 2), Legislative District 6 (Position 2) and County Commissioner (District 1).

No endorsements are forthcoming in races where candidates are unopposed.