Annie’s Mailbox: Mom leery of son’s very young fiancée
Dear Annie: My son, “Clark,” is 51 years old and never married. Last month, he met a 26-year-old online. This girl’s mother is only four months older than my son. The girl is younger than my grandchildren.
Clark has proposed to this girl and put money in an account for her to use for their wedding. I learned about the wedding dress and the reception hall from my daughter. I know nothing about the girl’s family except her parents are divorced and her mother is living with the man who fathered her little brother.
I am a bit leery of what’s going on and worry that this girl is using Clark for his money. When she and her family go out with him, he pays for everything. I care about my son and don’t want him to get hurt. How do I get the two of them to let me in on what’s happening? – Mom
Dear Mom: Your son is 51 years old, and if he wants to marry a girl half his age and give her all of his money, that’s his decision, good or bad. He certainly wouldn’t be the first man to behave this way. We understand your concern, but if you want your son to be part of your life, you will need to accept his decision to marry this girl. Do your best to put aside your misgivings and welcome her. She may, in fact, turn out to be a terrific young woman and a good wife. But if things go south, please resist the urge to say “I told you so.”