Day hiking quiz: Take the test
Following are questions touching on subjects of importance to hikers. Answers at end.
A. M & Ms.
B. Headlamp.
C. Extra clothing.
D. Water.
1.) The least likely places to find public hiking trails are:
- A. National forests and parks.
- B. State parks and wildlife areas
- C. Farms and ranches.
- D. BLM areas and wildlife refuges.
2.) The safest refuge in a lightning storm is:
A. Under a tall tree.
B. In a car.
C. In a boat.
D. Under a rock ledge.
3.) For the safety of wildlife and other visitors, hikers should avoid:
- A. Taking photos of critters.
- B. Feeding wildlife or leaving food or garbage unattended.
- C. Skinny dipping.
- D. Eating chocolate.
4.) A factor known to trigger dangerous wolf encounters is:
- A. Hiking with unleashed dogs.
- B. Eating barbecue-flavored potato chips.
- C. Wearing perfume.
- D. Building campfires.
5.) When meeting horseback riders on a trail, the hiker should:
- A. Keep walking.
- B. Yell and wave arms.
- C. Step off the downhill side of the trail unless the terrain makes this difficult or dangerous.
- D. Turn and run away.
6.) The most reliable defense against a grizzly attack is:
- A. Pepper spray.
- B. .357 magnum pistol.
- C. 100 percent DEET repellant.
- D. Bear spray.
7.) Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 Essentials that should be in every hiker’s pack?
8.) What should every hiker do before heading out on a trek?
- A. Check weather forecast
- B. Check for road and trail conditions.
- C. Leave a trip itinerary with a friend or family member.
- D. All of the above.
ANSWERS: 1-C. 2-B. 3-B. 4-A. 5-C. 6-D. 7-A. 8-D.