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The Slice: But would you kick them out for eating crackers?

Spokane Valley’s Joan Nolan was surprised by the question about pets-on-the-bed policies.

“You mean some dogs don’t get to sleep on the bed?” she wrote. “Our two senior terriers not only have a dog ladder they climb to get onto the bed but each has her own blanket as well.”

Here is a sampling of the many reports from readers.

“Our dog only gets on our bed once a day,” wrote Carol Stobie. “Every morning, my husband, Bob, tells Murphy, our dog, to ‘Go get Granny.’ And Murphy jumps on the bed and wakes me up. Sort of an alarm clock. Now the cat is a different story. She gets on the bed whenever she darn well pleases.”

Darleen Beedy’s bed-hog cairn terrier, Spike, had slept with Beedy and her husband for almost three years until a recent 1:30 a.m. incident. “Spike sat up under the covers and upchucked a full day’s worth of dog food.”

Sue Craig’s miniature dachshund, Molly, doesn’t just sleep on the bed. She also has to have about nine of her toys with her. “If one happens to fall over the edge, she lets me know with very distressed barks and I dutifully crawl out of bed and retrieve it for her.”

Dan Dahl green-lights his springer spaniels, Sadie and Brooke, sleeping on the bed. That’s a combined 120 pounds of slumbering canines.

“Dogs on the bed — yes!” wrote Vern Melvin, owner of a 100-pound black Lab.

“Yes!” wrote Hayley Murdock, who has three cats. “They are part of the family.”

Pat Williams said she is OK with terriers on the bed but is glad that, years ago, she declined to approve of a Great Pyrenees puppy getting on the bed. That dog would grow up to weigh 160 pounds.

Gail Bennett’s dogs, Ginger and Muffin, sleep with Bennett and her husband. She knows what her 90-year-old mother would say about this arrangement if she knew — “Uff da.”

North Idaho’s Bruce Werner said his policy is simple: “Cats yes. Big dogs no. Absolutely no sheep.”

Today’s Slice question: If Bing Crosby had never left Spokane but had, instead, stayed here and written dyspeptic letters to the editor, what do you suppose would have been his favorite topics?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Claiming to have been a member of the counterculture back in the day is no guarantee that a person isn’t seriously uptight here and now.

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