Saranac exhibit shows breadth of interpretation
Second exhibit offers peek into artists’ homes

Since its inception in 2007, Saranac Art Projects has made it a goal to bring more color and life to the Spokane arts scene. It’s a nonprofit art cooperative made up of 20 or so local artists and art educators, and their gallery inside the Saranac Building downtown features diverse and challenging work from artists in the region.
Beginning today, the gallery will be split into two new exhibitions that are wildly different but complementary – “PRIME” and “ARTifacts.”
“PRIME” is a more traditional art exhibition, featuring the work of 10 artists from around the country.
The artists were asked to create a piece inspired by the word “prime,” and the participants responded to the criteria in various ways: One submitted a digital print featuring various prime numbers, while another made a ceramic figure painted only in primary colors.
“You’ll see figurative work, abstract work, sculpture, photography, painting,” said Carrie Scozzaro, a member of the Saranac co-op and the curator of “PRIME.” “It’s a little bit of everything.”
Fellow co-op member Bradd Skubinna, a local artist and an art instructor at Spokane Falls Community College, will be judging “PRIME,” awarding a $100 best of show prize to the artist of his choice.
Visitors to the Saranac gallery will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite piece on display. A People’s Choice award will be given to the winning artist when the exhibition closes on July 27.
“ARTifacts,” on the other hand, is a more unusual presentation.
It’s arranged by Skubinna, who found objects in the homes and studios of the Saranac co-op members and displayed them as visual representations of each individual. One member is represented by a watercolor his father painted. Scozzaro says the pieces from the walls of her studio are also on view.
“These shows help you see how artists are inspired, and what they’re inspired to make,” Scozzaro said. “You basically get to see the bookends of the artistic process.”