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Huckleberries: Potty mouth exchange at council sanitized
New Coeur d’Alene City Clerk Renata McLeod is too proper to insert that nasty exchange between Councilman Steve Adams and City Attorney Mike Gridley in her draft minutes of the council meeting Tuesday – you know, the segment in which Adams tattles that Gridley called him an “ignorant (expletive deleted)” during a five-minute break. Thus, Adams was partly thwarted in his effort to read Gridley’s epithet into the record. At least, Gridley didn’t call Adams a “lying whore,” as a certain Spokane councilman did re: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. We’re a tad more civil in Coeur d’Alene.
Former Kootenai County Clerk Dan English is proof that you can go home again. He and Mrs. E abandoned life on houseboats to return to Coeur d’Alene this month. Sez Dan: “I woke up this morning in our new place back in the village of my youth, Coeur d’Alene. We’ll miss some of the scenery and the water that we’ve enjoyed in Twin Lakes and Bayview but being back on paved streets and cable TV with the ‘Woody Channel’ is very appealing” … “Woody TV” is a colloquialism for Coeur d’Alene TV Channel 19, which Councilman Woody McEvers helped launch and which brings us Tuesday Night at the Fights (aka Coeur d’Alene City Council meetings) … Ex-solon Gary Ingram was surprised to learn it’s illegal to carry a concealed knife in gun-toting Idaho: “I’ve carried a folding pocketknife for years. Use it almost daily for all kinds of prying, peeling, trimming, fruit cutting, pencil sharpening. Et cetera. This is illegal?” Indeed. A bill by Rep. Pete Nielsen, R-Mountain Home, seeks to remedy the problem – at least for knives with blades 4 inches long or less.
Poet’s Corner: What’s spring without a rhyming welcome from my pal, The Bard of Sherman Avenue? “You cheerful sprout of green and blue,/I’m charmed and pleased at meeting you;/amid these chilling rains that soak us/I now proclaim you ‘Spring’s First Crocus.’ ” (Title: “An Award Winner”) … KXLY’s Colleen O’Brien offers this Tweet of the Week candidate: “Frustrating part about these women – They all think they’re special to #TheBachelor. He has 16 women!! You’re not unique or special to him.” Talk about tough love … Reporter Tom Hasslinger of the Coeur d’Alene Press offers this clever sentence describing the Adams-Gridley council cage match: “Gridley told Adams he was ignorant, with a swear word to match the sewer topic” … Stylin’: Lost in the fireworks between Councilman Adams and City Attorney Gridley was the bow tie that Councilman Dan Gookin was rocking. And you thought the South had a trademark on such things? Pshaw … That snow to sunshine to graupel run during daylight hours Wednesday brings to mind that Montana saying: “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes” … Idaho Records item: “$542 theft of cash and weight-loss bars.” To which City Editor Addy Hatch tweeted: “Are diet snacks the new copper?” … That man taking a photo of his wife and daughter at North Idaho College beach Tuesday belonged to the aging dark-blue SUV with this bumpersnicker: “The Big Bang Theory is a joke! An explosion in a bookstore couldn’t create a dictionary!” Dictionary? That’s the device they used back when to Google something.
Parting shot
The exodus from the Diamond Cup Regatta is complete. Duane Hagadone’s son, Brad, and Rick Sousa have pulled the plug on the organization trying to bring hydroplane racing back to Lake Coeur d’Alene this Labor Day weekend. This leaves only President Doug Miller remaining from the 2012 board. In late February, Miller subbed in five new directors including Riverstone developer John Stone. But Huckleberries won’t bet on this thing happening this year till the engines roar.