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Huckleberries: Burgers an unwelcome aroma at sushi bar
On Facebook, Syringa Japanese Café & Sushi Bar, in Coeur d’Alene’s Midtown, tells of a disagreement with a customer over a Happy Meal.
Seems the cuss-tomer arrived with a Happy Meal from Mickey D’s, for a child in the party, and was told bluntly that the restaurant didn’t allow outside food or drink. Later, the cuss-tomer left a pointed note saying that Syringa was a favorite eatery but s/he wouldn’t be returning.
Ownership posted the note, penned on a napkin, on its Facebook wall and responded: “Do you think it would be ok to bring Togo food from Syringa into McDonald’s? We do not want to see Starbucks, Big Macs, whoppers or iced lattes in our restaurant, we would however love to see people with open minds and smiling faces.”
Maybe management shouldn’t have called out the cuss-tomer via social media. But three-quarters of my Huckleberries blog readers agreed with the popular restaurant’s hard-nosed stance against outside food and drink. They don’t want a Happy Meal aroma in the air while they’re enjoying sushi.
Twerking & debating
The preferred dance at the Coeur d’Alene municipal debates Wednesday was tap-dancing, not twerking, although the latter was mentioned as a possibility on a candidate’s Facebook wall. Tongue firmly cheeked, council candidate Amber Copeland posted this message hours before her debate: “After rummaging through Miley Cyrus’s closet, I’ve found the perfect outfit for tonight’s forum. I just hope that it doesn’t send the wrong message. Now I just need to find a foam finger and brush up on my twerking skills.” Now how would that have sent a wrong message? Miley? Anyone? … Also, Amber offered the best line of the four Coeur Group-sponsored debates. As incumbent Woody McEvers began his 30-second closing statement by expressing love for his two female opponents, she cut in: “My shoes are killing me, make it fast.” … The best tap-dance line belonged to council candidate Chris Fillios, who said he opposes the city’s controversial new anti-bias law but, if elected, wouldn’t vote to repeal it – because such a move would further divide the divided City with a (Small-H) heart.
Poet’s Corner: “The nights turn chill,/there’s frost by dawn,/and soon the wasps/will all be gone” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue (“Goodbye – And Good Riddance”) … Quotable Quote: “I’ve had it. Term limits is a bad idea, but for now I will not vote for any incumbent who has not made HEROIC efforts to restore civility and constructive problem-solving and end the toxic practices that have delivered national politics to the present mess.” – Doug Floyd, former Opinion Page editor of The Spokesman-Review. (Doug still calls it as it is.) … Teacher Rick Price spotted this bumpersnicker at a Bonner County soccer field: “Marathon Mom: 26.2 miles of peace and quiet.” … On the surface, Idaho doesn’t fare well in the United States of Shame report, offered by Pleated Jeans blog. In the, ahem, report, Idaho is known for “weakest government influence.” It’s an exaggeration. But still better than the “worst thing” about nearby states: Washington (bestiality), Oregon (homelessness), North Dakota (ugliest residents) and Utah (porn use). Ouch!
Parting shot
And the answer is – Coeur d’Alene Councilman Dan Gookin. The question: Who told Facebook friends (and should know better): “Threats and intimidation run this town. People have to toe the line or they lose their jobs.” And: “The anger of those in power and their lackeys is due to fear. McEuen pushed the somnambulant masses into action. The power grip on this town is slipping.” Scary to have a councilman thinking those kinds of deep – and dark – thoughts.