Special equipment could help granny in the shower
Dear Annie : I would like to respond to “Trying To Get Granny To Shower.” All of the suggestions you offered were excellent. As an occupational therapist who works with hygiene issues with the elderly, I would add a few more.
A “tub transfer bench” allows Granny to back up to the bench, sit and, once safely seated, lift her legs into the tub. The benches are easily adjusted and can be used in the smallest of bathrooms. Another possibility is that Granny is having difficulty reaching herself to do proper toileting hygiene, in which case, a toilet wand will help. Both the wand and the bench can be purchased at medical supply stores or through catalogs that sell home personal care products.
Finally, a flexible shower hose enables the person to control the flow of water. This can be purchased at the above cited sources or at most big box discount department or hardware stores. – An OT in Louisville, Ky.