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The Slice: The pot calling the kettle ‘Bobby’

Ken Yuhasz thinks he might be the friend mentioned by a Slice reader discussing euphemisms for marijuana.

That reader told of a friend referring to acquiring some pot as picking up a new record album.

Said Yuhasz, “The actual expression was ‘The new Bobby Sherman album.’ ”

Solo STands: “I know I am the only person that is always angry at the people that won’t take a few extra steps to put their darn grocery carts someplace safe,” wrote Vera Snyder.

Edward Sawatzki said he is fighting a “lone battle” against the expression “Thank you for your time.”

He would prefer that people acknowledge the specific nature of someone’s contribution.

The noise next door: Phyllis Rollins was at a scrapbooking retreat at Camp Mivoden on Hayden Lake when she heard some impressive snoring from another room. “Thankfully I was too tired to have it keep me awake.”

Jeri Hershberger was on a cruise when repeatedly treated to the sound of a couple in the next cabin engaging in intimate social congress. “Over to Hawaii and back.”

In a class by herself: Sandra Kimbrough, 75, had entered the decorated gingerbread house competition at the fair many times. She never won. But this year she was awarded the blue ribbon. And the fact that no one else entered doesn’t take the shine off her triumph because Kimbrough was especially pleased with her gingerbread house this year.

License and registration, please: The story of the baby eating part of a traffic ticket reminded Caryl Lawton of the time she was stopped for speeding with her then 3- and 5-year-old grandchildren in the car. She considered suggesting to the kids that they keep the incident to themselves. But Lawton guesses their parents might have wondered why the children started playing “officer” and “ma’am” and giving each other tickets on their trikes.

Today’s Slice question: Carlos Lynch wonders. When you get off a plane in Hawaii, greeters drape a lei on your shoulders. What should welcoming committees place on visitors arriving in Spokane?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Dana Freeborn saw an eBay listing for “cootie” pajamas. She hopes it was supposed to be “footie.”

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