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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Health Bulletin board

New Listings

Coping with Caregiver Stress - Dementia caregivers are more likely to experience high levels of emotional stress, depression, anxiety, impaired immune system response, health impairments, lost wages and depleted finances than non-caregivers. Learn the warning signs of caregiver stress and tips to reduce your stress. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association Inland Northwest Chapter. Jan. 15, 6:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 318 S. Cedar St. Free. (509) 473-3390.


Hip & Knee Pain Causes and Treatments - If joint pain is keeping you from enjoying life the way you used to, come learn about the Joint Restoration Centers at Deaconess and Valley Hospitals. Make reservations by phone or visit and click on the event calendar. All seminars at 6 p.m. Thursday, Valley Hospital Education Center, 12606 E. Mission Ave.; and Dec. 17, Deaconess Health and Education Center, 910 W. Fifth Ave., second floor. Free. (509) 473-5755.

The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease - An overview of dementia, including information on detection, causes and risk factors, stages of the disease, and treatment. Free and open to the public. No reservations necessary. Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Brookdale Place at NorthPointe, 1100 E. Westview Court. (509) 473-3390.

Pre-Diabetes Class - A class designed for those at risk for, or diagnosed with, pre-diabetes. Insurance does not cover the cost of this course; participants must pay in full. Monday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., in Spokane at INHS Community Wellness Center, 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 245; or at Lincoln Hospital, 10 Nicholls St., Davenport, Washington. To register and for information, visit $30. (509) 232-8145.

Bariatric Information Session - Get the facts on weight-loss surgery as a solution to your serious weight-related health problems. Sponsored by Rockwood and Deaconess Hospital. To register, call (509) 755-5120. Dec. 16, 5 p.m., Deaconess Health and Education Center, Room 267, 910 W. Fifth Ave. Free.

Lunch and Learn: Taking Time for Yourself - Take some time for yourself this month to find out more about the importance of relaxation, and how it is a part of overall health. Learn relaxation exercises you can use anytime to instantly unwind. For more information, visit Dec. 18, noon-1 p.m., INHS Community Wellness Center, 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 245. Free; bring your lunch. (509) 232-8145.

Chair Massage - Relieve the physical and mental stresses of everyday life. Register online at Dec. 18, 1-3 p.m., INHS Community Wellness Center, 501 N. Riverpoint Blvd., Suite 245. $5/10-minute session. (509) 232-8145.

Winter Solstice Yoga Practice - The practice weaves together yin and yang yoga with a focus on mindfully accepting yourself as you are. Dec. 19, 5:30 p.m., Harmony Yoga South, 1717 W. Sixth Ave. $30. (509) 747-4430.

Inland Northwest Support for Families with Special Needs - A group for people with special needs, their families and loved ones to be encouraged and find hope. For more information, visit inlandnwsupportfor familieswithspecialneeds. Dec. 19, 6:30 p.m., Mountain View Bible Church, 3974 N. Chase Road, Post Falls. Free. (208) 773-2615.

New Year’s Day: Ring in the Year with Intention - This workshop is a ritual practice in which to reflect on the past year and welcome in a new year. In the three-hour session there will be yoga, pranayama and some writing time of your intentions and a strong flow practice. Jan. 1, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Harmony Yoga South, 1717 W. Sixth Ave. $40. (509) 747-4430.

Type 2 Diabetes/Heart Disease Prevention Study - A Washington State University Spokane research study for adults at risk for type 2 diabetes and/or heart disease. Participants will come to a one-hour meeting once weekly on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. for three months. Start date is Jan. 13. For more information, contact (509) 358-7676 or This is a WSU IRB approved research study and there is no cost to take part.

Free Exercise Classes for Breast Cancer Survivors - Recent breast cancer survivors may be eligible for 12 weeks of free exercise classes with pre/post testing as part of a Washington State University Spokane research study. They will receive their test results and free exercise/nutrition education afterward. For more information, call (509) 358-7676 or email WSU IRB approved research study.

Other programs

Overeaters Anonymous - Is food a problem for you? Do you binge eat for no apparent reason? Is food affecting your life? Free support group, no fees, no weigh-ins, no diets. Call (509) 328-9972 or visit for more information.

Polio Outreach of Spokane - For information about post-polio syndrome, call Sharman Collins, (509) 448-8517, or email

Providence Adult Day Health - Offers structured programs designed to meet the needs of physically, mentally and functionally impaired adults and elderly by providing social services, nursing, rehabilitation, therapeutic recreation and a hot meal at noon. Held at 6018 N. Astor St. Call (509) 482-2475.

Qi Gong Classes - Increase your flexibility, balance, and reduce pain by tapping into the vibrant energy within. Tuesdays, 1 p.m., and Fridays, 8 a.m., Peak Health and Wellness Center, 940 Ironwood Drive, Coeur d’Alene. $8/per class. For more information call (208) 691-9736.

Speech, Language and Hearing Screenings - Washington State University Spokane’s Speech and Hearing Clinic, Health Sciences Building, 310 N. Riverpoint Blvd. Open to children and adults. Appointments necessary. Call (509) 828-1323.

Spokane Concentration Meditation Group - Buddhist meditation group meeting the first Sunday of each month, 10 a.m.-noon, at Community Meditation Room, 35 W. Main Ave. Beginners welcome. Call (509) 263-7213, email, or visit Concentration-Meditation-Group for more information.

Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors HelpLine - The SHIBA HelpLine is free, confidential and impartial counseling with trained volunteers to help callers understand their health care and health insurance rights and options. Call (509) 458-2509 at Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington or the SHIBA HelpLine at (800) 562-6900.

Striders - A community walking and exercise program promoting fitness, fun, friends and health education since 1995. Meets Mondays and Wednesdays, September through May, from 8-9 a.m. at the Spokane Valley YMCA, 2421 N. Discovery Place. Led by certified instructors, the classes emphasize strength, stretching and balance. Miles walked individually are records and awards are presented at five awards meetings each year which feature health-related speakers. Cost is $15 per year and $2 for each exercise class attended. For more information, call Carol at (509) 926-1697 or Judy at (509) 892-1293.

Survival Fitness Boot Camp - Group fitness training for men and women. Held Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Ponderosa Elementary, 3483 E. Ponderosa Blvd., Post Falls. Free two-week trials offered. Call (909) 730-2367 or email john.caylor@survivalfitness for more information.

Tai Chi Classes – Certified instructors Bob and Cindy Petet will offer basic and advanced tai chi and qi gong classes at a variety of times and locations. For more information or to register, call (509) 468-0587 or (509) 499-0683. You can also email

Teen Diabetes Advocate Meeting - Free program sponsored by the American Diabetes Association for ages 12 to 18. Meets monthly, at the ADA office, 801 W. Fifth Ave., No. 319. For information, call Ted Duncan at (509) 263-6281 or by email at

Therapeutic Recreation for Disabled Adults - Center Pointe, through United Way, provides recreational, educational and social activities for people with disabilities. Wide variety of classes offered includes: ceramics, computers, math, reading, art, wood shop and stitchery. All participants are given the opportunity to learn, achieve and grow in a barrier-free environment. Open Mondays-Fridays, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., at Center Pointe, 1408 N. Washington St. Call (509) 325-5451 or visit for more information.

Women in Anger Classes - Course covers how to express anger constructively versus destructively, how to examine anger and its impact on one’s life, and how to deal with angry outbursts, strained relationships and personal frustration. Held Wednesdays, 4-6 p.m., at St. Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior St. Cost is $100 for three-class course, scholarships available for qualified participants. Meets court requirements. Call (509) 483-6495 or visit for more information.

Women’s Self-Defense Classes - Learn practical and applicable defense methods that you could confidently use in an emergency. Held the third Saturday of each month, 1 p.m., at 101 N. Argonne Road, Suite B, Spokane Valley. Cost is $10 per class. Call (509) 891-9821, visit, or email for more information.

Zumba Classes - Zumba Fitness classes for ladies held Tuesdays and Thursday, 5:45-6:45 p.m. at the Moran Prairie Grange Hall, 6106 S. Palouse Highway. Move to Latin-inspired music and discover the Zumba phenomenon. No experience needed. Cost is $8 per drop-in; discount for series. Call (509) 448-4265 for more information.

Zumba Classes - The Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center is offering Zumba classes every Monday, 6-7 p.m., at 405 William St., Post Falls. Cost is $7 per class or $28 per month. Call (208) 457-8950, email, or visit for more information.

Zumba Gold Class - Class is ideal for those who need modifications in regular Zumba to make it work for them. Some moves are done at half-tempo and some moves can be done in chairs. Held Mondays, 10:30-11:15 a.m., at the Good Samaritan Society Spokane Valley Community Center, 17121 E. Eighth Ave., Spokane Valley, and Thursdays, 10:15-11 a.m., at Spokane Valley Baptist Church, 1222 S. McDonald Road, Spokane Valley. Cost is $3 per class. Contact Kelli Maidhoff at (509) 434-8330 or or Lyra Maidhoff at (509) 981-7786 or for more information.

Drug and alcohol

Al-Anon - For family and friends with the disease of alcoholism. For 24-hour information and support, call (509) 456-2125 or (888) 425-2666 or visit

Alcoholics Anonymous - For 24-hour information and support, call (509) 624-1442. Visit for meeting schedules and for more information.

Tobacco Cessation Classes - Community Health Education and Resources Office is offering free tobacco cessation classes throughout Spokane. Call (509) 232-8138.

Tobacco Cessation Classes - Free for Group Health members. For a list of dates and times, call (509) 459-1086 or visit

Quit and Win Tobacco Program - Free program offers classes two times a month, flexible quit dates, chances to win prizes at each class once you quit and support to help you quit and stay quit. Held at Providence Holy Family Hospital, 5633 N. Lidgerwood St. (509) 232-8138.

Contributions should be mailed to the Health Bulletin Board, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210, or emailed to Deadline for Tuesday publication is noon Thursday.