Pool exercises help joint recovery, overall fitness

Any athlete will tell you: Rest and recovery are critical to any workout regimen.
John Platero, director of education for the National Council for Certified Personal Trainers, created this three-move pool circuit to provide a recovery workout that will get your heart pumping even as it helps care for hard-working joints.
“As we get older, we tend to move less and less,” Platero says, and that’s why “the pool is magic. It acts as a compression sleeve, protecting the joints.” When you’re doing these moves, Platero said, “don’t think ‘workout’ … think ‘controlled movement’ with the resistance coming from the water.”
Ideally, this circuit - the scarecrow, the Michael Jackson and the bear hug - is done in water that’s roughly chest-deep. Please keep safety in mind. You’re likely to get winded, so you might want to stay near the edge of the pool, where you can rest and catch your breath.
What it does
Gives you a recovery workout on days when your body needs a break but you still want a calorie burn. If you wear a heart-rate monitor, you’ll be surprised to see how this circuit sends your heart soaring with very little impact.
What to do
How much
Perform these three moves in a circuit, with 10 to 20 repetitions for each move. Repeat the circuit three to five times. Over time, add more repetitions.