Idaho reports 6 1/2-year low in jobless rate
State says most new hires were for pre-existing jobs
Idaho’s unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in 6 ½ years in October.
The unemployment rate was 4.1 percent last month, versus 5.9 percent a year ago, according to state reports.
State economists attributed part of the drop to a smaller workforce. Most new hires were people filling jobs vacated by others who retired or left the job for other reasons. Job growth was below the five-year average in construction, natural resources, financial servics, retail and wholesale trade.
Unemployment rates also decreased in North Idaho. In Kootenai County, the unemployment rate was 3.9 percent in October, compared to 6.7 percent a year ago.
Bonner County’s unemployment rate was 5.1 percent last month, compared to 8.1 percent in October 2013.
Boundary County had 4.9 percent unemployment, compared to 8.6 percent a year ago.
Benewah County’s rate was 6 percent, compared to 10 percent a year ago.
Shoshone County’s rate was 6.6 percent, compared to 11.4 percent a year ago.