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Pay protection bill

If a business hires a security service to protect its property, they are going to have to pay for the service. America taxpayers have had a trillion dollars added to their national debt for the security of Middle East nations to protect them from vile dictators and terrorists. This sacrifice has only served to inflame more hatred for Americans. Meanwhile many of these nations have been supplying aid to terrorists’ nations. Even Iran is discovering the errors in building these terrorist organizations.

These nations have militaries, so why can’t they form a unified coalition of their own? Perhaps this could lead to a unified and more democratic Middle East. So now these nations come begging for America to stop the threat of ISIS taking over the entire region. How about paying the bill?

Since 9/11, the U.S. has developed technology, intelligence and weaponry to ward off foreign invasion threats. What we can’t guard against is visitors and immigrants bent on homeland attacks. So when is the U.S. going to close the door to immigrants and visitors from nations that profess an ideology of hatred toward the freedoms and ideals that America was founded on?

Allan Letourneau


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