film events
“Walking The Camino, Six Ways To Santiago” Spokane premiere of the award-winning documentary follows six pilgrims, ages 3 to 73, as they attempt to cross an entire country on foot with only a backpack, a pair of boots and an open mind. The pilgrims embark upon a 500-mile-long journey along Spain’s ancient Christian pilgrimage route known as the Camino de Santiago, or Way of St. James. Driven by an inexplicable calling and a grand sense of adventure, the pilgrims throw themselves heart and soul into their physical trek to Santiago de Compostela, and most importantly, their personal journeys. Q&A with director/producer Lydia Smith today and Saturday after screenings. Q&A with Gonzaga alumnus Maggie Cech on Sunday after the 5 and 7:15 p.m. screenings. Magic Lantern, 25 W. Main Ave. (509) 209-2383.
Boyhood (R) Filmed over 12 years with the same cast, this is a groundbreaking story of growing up. The film charts the rocky terrain of childhood like no film has before. A nostalgic time capsule of the recent past and an ode to growing up and parenting. Rated R. Showing today at 8 p.m., Saturday at 4:15 and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 3:15 and 7 p.m. Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, 508 S. Main Street, Moscow. $6/adults, $3/age 12 and younger, $45/Sunday series pass. (208) 882-4127.
Free Spooktacular Drive-in Movies Saturdays in October on a 55-foot screen at the Incredible Corn Maze. Gate opens at 5 p.m., games and prizes at 7 p.m., movie at 8 p.m. First come, first served as parking is limited. Saturday, “Monsters vs. Aliens”; Oct. 18, “The Haunted Mansion”; Oct. 25, “The Goonies.” Saturday showing includes a supply drive for the Coeur d’Alene Tribe’s Stop Violence Against Women program; Oct. 18, food drive to benefit Post Falls Food Bank; and Oct. 25, a blanket, quilts, socks, mittens and scarves drive to benefit Post Falls Senior Center and Meals on Wheels. Incredible Corn Maze, 3405 N. Beck Road, Hauser, Idaho. Free. (509) 928-9664.
Ski Movie Party Pro skiers, tons of prizes and four ski movies: “Burn” from 4bi9; “Oil and Water,” the Armada team film; “Less” from Level 1 Productions featuring skiing at Schweitzer Mountain; and “Ten and Two,” the final ski project from Stept Productions. Line skier LJ Strenio and Armada athlete Mike Hornbeck are confirmed to attend. Tickets available at The Sports Creel or online through TicketsWest. Saturday, 7 p.m., Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. $5. (800) 325-SEAT.
“Blackfish” Notorious killer whale Tilikum is responsible for the deaths of three individuals, including a top killer whale trainer. Blackfish shows the sometimes devastating consequences of keeping such intelligent and sentient creatures in captivity. The Food for Thought Film series is an Outreach program designed offer education through entertainment. Thursday, 7 p.m., Moscow Food Co-Op, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. Tickets: $6/general admission, $4/co-op owners and university students (must have ID). (208) 882-4127.