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Marriage omitted
As the saying goes, figures lie and liars figure. The Sept. 24 editorial on teen pregnancy should have had that as its headline. The question in my mind, after Paul Unger so completely stole my opening thoughts in his excellent letter, is what to make of the editorial board.
Did they not bother to factor marriage into the equation, or are they so ideologically driven that they deliberately printed information that they knew to be misleading because they wanted to revise history to make it seem more in line with their own ideological bent?
The author of this piece of propaganda asked: “And where were the parents? The answer is pretty simple: The teens’ parents were probably planning the marriages of their 18- and 19-year-old teenagers, or they were happily welcoming their new grandchildren into the world because most of the pregnant teenagers were married!
This begs the question: Is the editorial board unnecessary or simply irrelevant? Tell the truth, even if it doesn’t fit your agenda.
Hap Butler
Post Falls