Prevent slips, trips and falls for seniors
Some of the more serious injuries among older adults are caused by falling.
More than 1.6 million older Americans end up in the emergency room or hospital because of a fall, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Seniors who break a hip by falling can have trouble recovering and regaining mobility.
The good news is many falls are preventable.
Here are 10 proactive steps to reduce the risk of falling in your home.
1. Remove clutter, throw rugs and electrical cords that might cause you to trip.
2. Store items on bottom shelves.
3. Add grab bars where necessary – in hallways, stairways and bathtubs.
4. Add a rubber bath mat in the shower or tub.
5. Make sure your home is well lit. Use night lights in hallways and bathrooms.
6. Keep a phone and flashlight by your bed.
7. Stay as physically active as you can.
8.Wear comfortable shoes with good support.
9. Have your vision and hearing checked.
10. Use a cane or walker if you feel unsteady.