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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Panels in county have openings for volunteers

Spokane County commissioners are accepting applications for vacant positions on the Library District board of trustees, the Spokane County Shooting Advisory Committee and other boards.

The Library Board is looking for one applicant who lives in Spokane Valley or North Spokane County. Meetings are on the third Tuesday of each month, and applicants should have a desire to advocate for the county’s public libraries. Board members serve five-year terms. Interested applicants should apply by 5 p.m. Nov. 5.

The shooting advisory committee is tasked with developing policies for firearm and bow-and-arrow shooting within the county. Seven members serve on the board, which meets the first Wednesday of every month.

The county also is looking for applicants to its Substance Abuse Advisory Board and Developmental Disabilities Board.

Those interested should contact Ginna Vasquez at the Spokane County Commissioners’ office, by email to gvasquez@ or by phone, (509) 477-2265. For more information on the positions, visit