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Trump not idiotic

I have never voted Republican, but I consider the Dana Milbank June 18 column on Donald Trump’s candidacy announcement unfair and misleading, both the cartoon and the column.

I listened to Trump’s speech, and in my opinion it had a completely different direction from what you portrayed. Yes, he says “I am rich,” but not to stress “greed is good,” but to imply “I cannot be bought.” Is that bad?

He talks about topics that to me make sense: tariffs to support our manufacturing, structuring of immigration policies, diminishing the power of lobbyists, health insurance for everybody, strengthening, not cutting, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and achieving results as opposed to talking only.

Certainly it is stupid to believe a wall on the border with Mexico will solve anything, but the idea of bringing a certain rationality into immigration is not bad. Other countries do it, why not us?

Trump’s weakness is the absence of marketing filters in his speeches. He may not even have marketing experts in his campaign. That’s why he cannot win the Republican candidacy much less the general election, but it does not mean he is an idiotic outcast.

Peter Dolina


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