Wife can’t have male visitor alone
Dear Annie: My husband and I live in a very desirable area and are happy to have guests often. The problem is, a male friend of mine wants to visit, but my husband doesn’t want to have a single man in the house while he’s at work. He claims it would make him uncomfortable knowing that I was playing tour guide and sharing wonderful memories in his absence with someone he doesn’t know well. My husband is aware that I am not, nor would I ever be, attracted to this person. He says he would feel this way regardless of who the guy was.
We really don’t have trust issues, so this is perplexing and embarrassing to explain to my friend. He cannot afford a hotel in our town, and was hoping to stay with us to save a few bucks. How should I tell him? – Not His Girlfriend
Dear Not: Tell him the truth – that you are so sorry, but your husband is uncomfortable having a single male staying in the house when he isn’t home. If you have a friend who would put him up, that would be a kindness. You also can ask your husband about having the friend out of the house during working hours. Send him to the beach, the museum or the local attractions. Otherwise, whether or not to visit under these restrictions is up to your friend.