Freezing fog leads to multiple collisions in north Spokane County
Icy road conditions caused by freezing fog led to multiple collisions Tuesday morning in north Spokane County.
Washington State Patrol troopers responded to multiple collisions on State Highways 291 and 211 and U.S. Highways 395 and 2 before 8 a.m., spokesman Trooper Jeff Sevigney said. No injuries were reported in any of the collisions, he said.
One driver lost control and hit a trooper’s patrol car at the intersection of West Fender Road and Highway 395, Sevigney said. The trooper had just arrived at the intersection to respond to another crash.
The highway was closed briefly to de-ice the Wandermere Bridge and re-opened around 8 a.m.
“People need to be cautious on the overpasses. That’s what freezes first,” Sevigney said.