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Pakootas earns vote

I recently met with Joe Pakootas because I wanted to get a sense of what his values and goals are in running for Congress. I left this meeting with a sense that Joe is an honest man with a strong commitment to integrity and public service.

He believes that government exists to serve Americans by protecting national interests and the safety of all citizens. He believes that poor Americans need assistance to rise up and become self-sufficient. He believes that children should have access to good education from preschool to college. He believes that all Americans should have access to health care. He believes in protecting the environment without unnecessary regulation.

His experience as CEO of two large Native American tribes gives him both business and governing (i.e., bringing people with diverse interests and needs together) background that will serve Eastern Washington well. His goal is not to become a lifelong politician but rather work to achieve specific goals and move on to other work.

I left my meeting with Joe believing he is the best person to represent the 5th District in Congress. He certainly won my endorsement.

Audrey Burr


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