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Why the Ginsburg uproar?

I don’t understand the uproar over Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s comments/opinion pointing out Trump’s non-qualifications to run for the highest office in the land. At least she had the guts to tell it like it is. She iterated what some GOP leaders are fearful of voicing in public. They fear facing the blowback and loss of elected office if their views were to be made public. I say that Justice Bader Ginsburg has more intestinal fortitude than some career politicians.

The American public knows that the court has liberal and conservative justices on the bench. So what’s new? No doubt, the court is politicized. If that were not the case, George W. Bush would not have been handed the presidency. The 2000 giveaway changed history forever with reverberations still being felt to this day. The latest being the terrorist slaughter of innocents on Bastille Day.

Joe Rodriguez Jr.


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