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Sanders’ platform familiar

The message in Bernie Sanders’ TV ads rings familiar. After a bit of searching I found out why.

“Everyone shall have the right to education.” “Everyone shall have the right to health protection and medical aid.” “Everyone shall be guaranteed social security at the expense of the State in old age …” “Everyone shall have the right to rest and license.” “Everyone shall have the right to labour … without any discrimination … and not lower than minimum wages and salaries established by the federal law, as well as the right to protection against unemployment.” “Everyone shall be obliged to preserve nature and the environment…” and “The economic activity aimed at monopolization and unfair competition shall not be allowed.”

Sound like a Bernie Sanders’ stump speech, or even planks of the Democrat platform? Hardly. The previous are excerpts from “Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizens,” which is the second chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Do supporters of Bernie and the Democrats realize this vision isn’t revolutionary, but a repeat of the failed policies and beliefs of Communism? The choice this November is crucial. Will our country turn back toward the Constitution, or will we continue toward certain failure and destruction?

Doug Belcher


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