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Pace is off base

In response to Spokane Valley City Councilman Ed Pace and his comparison between the resignation of former City Manager Dave Mercier and the firing of Mike Jackson:

Fact: Because of his major role and support of the Sprague-Appleway Revitalization Plan, Mercier knew in advance that he would have a difficult time going forward with the new council. Dave actually initiated and wrote the motion for his resignation. His proposal was brought to the full council at an open council meeting. During that meeting, it was clear that it was an agreed separation by council and Mercier.

Fact: Mike Jackson was blindsided by this council. He had been evaluated positively in his last evaluation prior to his termination. The council majority never discussed the issues that they had with Mike.

Dave’s resignation was for a change in city management initiated by him. Mike’s termination seems to be something more sinister, like a change in the form of government with this council majority wanting legislative and executive powers and control.

Pace should have talked to people who were there, as I have. Makes one wonder how a majority of this council makes decisions. Absolute power and control by public officials on the council is a dangerous thing indeed.

Judy Morris

Spokane Valley

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