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Pitts uses scare tactics

In response to Leonard Pitts Jr.’s column, “Bernie Nation shedding its dignity” (May 2): The scare tactics are again increasing in mainstream punditry, doomsday scenarios presented to intimidate people to vote to prevent catastrophe.

I’m speaking, of course, of liberal pundits, such as Pitts. He invokes fantastic images: the “specter” of Donald Trump arising from the shadows. Then he complains that Sanders supporters won’t vote. Or, they won’t vote for Hillary Clinton.

Well, Pitts actually conflates the two. Sanders supporters who don’t support Clinton, according to Pitts, won’t vote? I find this hard to believe. These are die-hard supporters of a political revolution whose primary tenant is populism. They will vote. But it won’t be out of fear of the opposition.

One may argue that voting to prevent the other side from winning is a political tactic, but so is voting for the candidate one most strongly supports. So, if the Green Party is second choice to Sanders, this vote too is political. Pitts is right, some Sanders supporters want to see liberal politics changed, but he again makes a false conflation with the far right, in attempt to scare.

Maybe I am afraid after all, of pundits who prefer a population who act of fear rather than conviction.

Paul Lee


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