Students’ stress is real
This is in response to Lynn Chapman’s response to Hannah Pelkie’s letter. I have been teaching for 33 years and currently have Hannah in Honors English.
People often assume the worst of teenagers. There are kids who don’t work hard (like in my generation). However, Hannah and her peers are not those kids. The kids who are stressed out are those who are challenging themselves in honors classes and worrying about all the tests they must pass.
What is happening now is not caused by teachers or parents or even school districts. It’s all in response to the many requirements to make sure kids are prepared for the “real” world. It used to be that kids could take electives to follow passions or learn a new skill.
However, now these kids are filling up their electives with difficult classes to take along with required classes. It is great to challenge kids. However, their stress is real. It isn’t just because they are using their time poorly.
Their high school experience is not the same as ours. And they are dealing with it pretty well. They are dealing with it better than I (or most of my generation) would have.
Dori Whitford