Robert Barber image on cover of WSU game ticket

PULLMAN – Robert Barber was unable to play in Washington State’s game against Arizona on Saturday, but the suspended senior’s presence was still widely felt in Martin Stadium.
An image of Barber was on the cover of tickets to the game, which was ironic given that the nose tackle was suspended for the second consecutive game due to his role in an offseason fight.
Barber’s suspension was the subject of a two-hour long public comment period during Friday’s board of regents meeting. Currently, Barber is not allowed to participate in on-campus activities but will be allowed to graduate in December by completing coursework online.
Tracy Cracraft, the mother of WSU receiver River Cracraft, was one of the speakers in defense of Barber at Friday’s regents meeting. Her Twitter handle, @MamaCracraft, is popular among Cougar players and fans. Before the game she noted the Barber image on the game tickets.
Look who’s on today’s ticket - Robert Barber - isn’t it ironic? #GoCougs #JusticeForBarber #NoWhiteFlags 🐾🙌🏼🏈🏆🎓🇺🇸
— mamacracraft (@MamaCracraft) November 5, 2016