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Don’t penalize WSU students

The WSU football program was supposed to be funded by the lucrative TV contract negotiated by the Pac-12 Conference. Since this revenue source was overestimated, the university has to make up the difference, a deficit of approximately $50 million. The university has suggested, among other non-football cuts, a student increase in fees of $100 per year.

I think it is ludicrous to expect students to bear, in part, the extravagance of the football program. While I enjoy WSU football as much as the next fan, it should not be at the expense of students. Perhaps the $2.5 million+ salary of Mike Leach and his 24 assistant coaches might be worth looking at first. I am sure cuts to their salaries could not make up the entire $50 million deficit but the good faith showing would be a step in the right direction.

John Kittel


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