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No character candidate

With the election of Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt person to run for president, America will continue to degrade. By supporting a deviant like Donald Trump, Christians have lost any credibility. Sure we knew the media was going to destroy any Republican candidate, but Republicans didn’t have to make it so easy by nominating Trump.

In past elections, Christians have always emphasized character as the most important quality. Now by supporting Trump in a vain effort to win at any cost, they have shown themselves to be hypocrites, the very thing the left has always accused them of. If who holds nine seats on the Supreme Court is so imperative to the future of the country that just shows the nation is already lost. The Supreme Court was never meant to have so much power.

By electing Hillary, the destruction of the nation will continue, but by supporting Trump the testimony of the church is lost. The only hope this country has is a convention of states and the grace of God.

John Seney


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